start2see would like to congratulate Humes (a division of Holcim Australia) for publishing the EPD of Reinforced Concrete Pipes (RCP) under the Australasian EPD Programme. start2see is proud to have assisted Humes with developing one of the most extensive EPDs out there. This EPD covers more than 600 product variations, which we managed to group by three categories (pipe classes) and four regions. The EPD also covers as many product life cycle stages as could be effectively modelled, thereby providing a better insight into critical aspects of the life cycle of reinforced concrete pipes. The Environmental Product Declaration meets the best practice European EN 15804 standard for construction products.

The transparency provided by this comprehensive EPD allows decision makers throughout the construction industry to make better informed decisions when considering the environmental impacts and benefits of concrete pipes. 




Contact start2see to find out how we can assist you with creating your own EPD.


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