start2see was established in April 2010. However, its director (Rob Rouwette) has been occupied full time with
life cycle assessment studies since 1999. Below you can find examples of some of the key projects that Rob has been involved in.

start2see, Australia (2020) Humes Tamworth,
EPD of precast concrete

start2see, Australia (2019): Registered Consultant (Organisations; Products & Services) with the
Climate Active carbon neutral program

start2see, Australia (2019) AAPA,
Regional Product Category Rules for Asphalt

start2see, Australia (2018)
IS Materials Calculator v2.0

start2see, Australia (2017) Humes
EPD of Reinforced Concrete Pipes

start2see, Australia (2016) Fibercon
EPD of plastic concrete reinforcement fibres

start2see, Australia (2016)
IS Materials Calculator v1.2

start2see, Australia (2015)
BlueScope Steel EPD Verification

start2see, Australia (2012)
LCA of E-Crete for Aurora Construction Materials

INTRON, Netherlands (2005) LCA of Finer Sand in Concrete

start2see & Build21C, Australia (2012)
Carbon Tax for House Builders and Suppliers

INTRON, UK (2001) LCA of UK Sewer Systems

Energetics, Australia (2010) (through Energetics)
LCA of bricks and residential buildings

Energetics, Australia (2014)
First carbon neutral bricks in Australia (NCOS LCA)

start2see, Australia (2012) Critical review of Nestle packaging LCA

INTRON, Europe (2001) LCA for steel construction

INTRON, Netherlands (1999-2006) Environmental Product Declarations

start2see, Hong Kong (2013) LCA of water activated batteries (Aquacell)

RMIT, Australia (2007) Building Assemblies and Materials Scorecard

Energetics, Australia (2015) Transport for NSW
Carbon Estimate and Reporting Tool (CERT)