Carbon Management is increasingly becoming important for medium to large organisations that believe they should be aware of potential financial risks. Australia has adopted a “price on carbon” on 1 July 2012. In simple terms this means that a number of companies (large emitters) will have to pay for their greenhouse gas emissions. Apart from a cost increase related to a company’s own emissions (Scope 1), there will also be increased costs related to electricity (Scope 2) and products purchased from the supply chain (Scope 3). Market circumstances will determine if and to what extent carbon cost increases can be passed on to customers. Visionary CFO’s, directors and managers make sure they have a sound understanding of the potential implications for their organisation. Better performing (“low carbon”) products and services will have a long term competitive advantage. Contact start2see if you would like to discuss opportunities for your organisation.
With the media focus on carbon, you could be forgiven for thinking that greenhouse gas emissions are the only environmental issue that needs to be dealt with. However, many organisations already recognise the need for a more holistic approach, such as Triple Bottom Line (TBL) reporting, which looks at a range of environmental indicators as well as social and economic ones. start2see can assist you with increasing your understanding of the supply chain, and how this fits into Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Sustainability reporting and TBL.
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