Imagine your customers can go to your website, where they view and order your products, and receive realtime environmental information about the goods they are considering for purchase.
An LCA Tool (such as a GHG calculator) allows you or your customers to calculate the environmental profile or the environmental benefits related to your product(s). This can be a great way to showcase how your product contributes to a more sustainable future.
start2see can develop such custom-made tools. If you are interested in providing this service to your customers, then contact start2see today.
How it works:
Based on the specific life cycle properties of your product we set up a modular system. The user can enter data (or select options) in a separate user-friendly environment. The calculator applies the entered information to quantify the life cycle performance of a product under the defined scenario. The number of scenarios that can be defined are virtually unlimited!
Example 1: Hotel Footprint Manager
start2see developed the hotel footprint manager, a relatively simple tool that allows users to work out greenhouse gas emissions per hotel room or per conference based on their own unique data. You can access this tool through
Example 2: Transport for NSW – the Carbon Estimate and Reporting tool (CERT)
Through Energetics, Rob Rouwette developed the Carbon Estimate and Reporting Tool for Transport for NSW. This Excel-based tool allows users to estimate and report greenhouse gas emissions associated with the design and construction of infrastructure projects. You can access this tool through Transport for NSW’s website.
Example 3: ISCA: IS Materials Calculator
start2see undertook a major revision of the IS Materials Calculator, the environmental calculator used within Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia’s (ISCA) IS rating tool. Version 2.0 is now aligned with EN 15804 and the impact assessment methodology found in EPDs. Version 1.2 of the IS Materials Calculator can also still be accessed through the ISCA website:
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