NXT TEC has completed the first Australian Environmental Product Declaration for a whole building under the Australasian EPD Programme. The Wyndham LUX hotel in Perth showcases the versatility and capability of the NXT™ Building System. The eight storey, 10-level, luxury hotel features 120 rooms and contemporary hospitality facilities. Utilising the core technologies of NXT™ Building System, the Wyndham LUX Perth project will deliver a five-star luxury hotel within 12 months from foundation to completion. The Hotel was designed by NXT using only NXT™ Technology components, which will be manufactured locally to specification for on-site assembly. Each technology plays an important role within the NXT™ Building System and, when manufactured to scale for this project, they will work together to result in a fully-functioning showcase of the system. Although materials are prefabricated, Wyndham LUX Perth will be an attractive, architecturally-designed structure rivalling the aesthetics of conventional construction hospitality builds. The critical differences, however, include the time, budget, onsite wastage and quality of the final product, for all of which NXT’s Wyndham LUX Perth Hotel produces superior results.
start2see is proud to have assisted NXT TEC with the verification of its LCA and EPD.
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