start2see congratulates Boral, the largest integrated construction materials company in Australia, for publishing the Environmental Product Declaration of pre-mix concrete products manufactured in the Sydney (NSW) region under EPD Australasia.

The EPD presents the average environmental impact of a wide range of pre-mix concrete products, from normal class concrete to Boral’s ENVISIA concrete, and from stabilised sand to no fines mixes. The EPD covers the ‘cradle-to-gate’ processes for 18 production plants in and around Sydney, NSW. 

The declared unit for the EPD is “1 m3 of pre-mix concrete”. 

The publication of this EPD shows Boral’s commitment to transparency, and the underlying data for the LCA will no doubt drive further improvements in the environmental performance of its products in the coming years. 

Boral Sydney pre-mix concrete


start2see is proud to have developed the LCA and EPD for Boral. Congratulations to Boral and the team involved!


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