start2see is a proud signatory to “Businesses for a Cleaner Economy” (B4CE).
B4CE is supported by a collaboration of companies, NGO’s & industry associations who support the introduction of a carbon price in Australia. B4CE’s positioning statement is:
The business of transitioning to a clean economy
As major Australian and international corporations, small and medium enterprises, operating across the Australian economy, we endorse the need for a carbon price as the mechanism to support the transition to a clean economy.
A carbon price and complementary measures will assist Australia in remaining globally competitive, and will deliver new industries in clean energy, energy efficiency and low-carbon technology. Pricing carbon allows business to choose how they reduce emissions and provides incentives for innovation. It unlocks jobs and investment in new industries, products and services. Importantly, it allows business to get on with the job of building a prosperous, clean, internationally-competitive economy. We, as signatories to this statement, encourage the Parliament to support stable, long-term policies – like a carbon price and its complementary measures – that support a clean economy for all Australians.
Contact start2see today for more information.
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