Repurpose It published the Environmental Product Declaration of “recovered mineral sand and aggregates” under EPD Australasia.
Not only is Repurpose It now the first Australian recycling company with an EPD, they are also the first aggregate supplier in Australia with an EPD.
The scope is ‘cradle-to-gate’, covering all the processes associated with Repurpose It’s washing plant and the declared unit for the EPD is “1 tonne of recovered mineral aggregates”. It is important to understand how the system boundaries and methodology influence the results, and in this case the impacts associated with recovered aggregates don’t tell the full story (of how the C&D waste would have generated enironmental impacts if it had been landfilled). A direct comparison of these washed recoverewd aggregates against virgin aggregates can only be done when considering the complete picture.
start2see is proud to have developed the LCA and EPD for Repurpose It. We love to work with leaders in their field and send a heartfelt congratulations to the team at Repurpose It.
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