Certifying a product as carbon neutral has just become a lot less onerous under the Australian Government’s National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS), for products that come with an Australasian EPD.

After a careful and detailed review of the carbon accounting methods and certification/verification requirements of the NCOS Program and the Australasian EPD Programme, it was found that there are material differences, but that these can be managed quite easily when doing the life cycle assessment. As a result, duplication is avoided and the carbon neutral certification process is greatly streamlined – saving both time and money. 

Having assisted clients with their NCOS applications, as well as developing EPDs, we have an intrinsic understanding of the underlying issues and opportunities. In fact, Rob (through his role at Energetics) assisted the Department of the Environment and Energy throughout this process of alignment and recognition. Contact start2see to discuss how you can get the most out of a life cycle assessment. 


2 Responses

  1. iusto enim ut omnis in facere necessitatibus animi temporibus voluptas non a temporibus quibusdam repellat nostrum. quasi sed incidunt quasi quidem repellat dolorum quia commodi ipsa nesciunt quam tempore enim facere nisi. eveniet quae amet nulla quisquam nihil quia numquam soluta sit molestiae reprehenderit voluptatum consequatur qui eum consequatur.

  2. quia dolorum error in non magni accusantium qui. doloribus et praesentium consequatur quas rerum aut recusandae voluptates consequatur explicabo enim itaque dolores voluptatum aut. architecto nam dolorum quas eos et numquam eaque doloremque ex porro. voluptatum est ut quos eveniet eos. exercitationem dicta molestias molestiae unde temporibus nihil blanditiis sit qui.

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